2025 Preliminary Budget

The City Council recently passed the 2025 preliminary budget and $9.3 million levy. The proposed 4.83% levy increase addresses growing needs in Public Works, Public Safety, Communications and overall staffing adjustments. Even with this increase, due to growth, City taxes are expected to remain relatively flat and St. Michael will continue to have one of the lowest City Tax Rate in Wright County.


Where your City Taxes Go

 Chart on where your City Taxes Go


Customer Service Improvements in 2025


Citizenserve is an online permitting software that will increase staff efficiency and make permitting easier for residents and contractors. It will go live sometime in 2025.


GovDelivery online subscription service will increase specific communications with the public based on their interests. This will become available at the end of October 2024. Sign up for email alerts.


Areas of Increase

Public Works

Increases are due to the need to purchase equipment, increased material costs, additional staffing, Emerald Ash Borer treatment and taking over sidewalk plowing contracting because of the retirement of the previous service provider.

Public Safety

Increases are due to the 5% Sheriff contract increase and the Public Safety Aid phase-in. Two new Fire Engines were purchased and are due to arrive in 2025.

Online Permitting/Communications Software

Increases are due to the contract and implementation of Citizenserve (online permitting software) and the contract with GovDelivery (online email subscription service). These services will make it easier for residents, contractors and others to complete the permitting process and to choose specific information received from the city on topics of individual interest.


Increases are due to additional Public Works staff, cost of living, and market adjustments.