Administration & Finance
The City prepares an annual budget that covers the
- General Fund (main operating fund)
- Seven Special Revenue Funds
- Two Enterprise Funds
- Debt Service Funds
- Capital Improvement Funds
The Budget Process Includes
- Preparation of a preliminary budget and tax levy, which is approved by the City Council and submitted to Wright County by September 15 of each year.
- Several Council worksessions in which staff and City Council work together in reviewing and amending the budget as needed.
- Holding a public hearing to provide residents and businesses the opportunity to review the budget and have input into the process.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to attend and participate at the public hearing, as well as the Council work sessions. - Adopt the budget in December
Budget Notes
- The full City Budget is available for your review at City Hall. For additional information, contact Steve Bot, City Administrator, at
- Each year the Budget and all other financial records are audited by an independent auditing firm, in accordance with State law. The auditor reviews the annual records and prepares an Annual Financial Report (Audit Report). A copy of this report may also be viewed at City Hall.
City Government | St. Michael is a Statutory "Plan A" City
- Part-time Mayor
Elected "at large" to represent the entire community and are empowered by state law to legislate city-wide policy. - Full-time City Administrator
Serves as the Executive Officer responsible to the Council for day-to-day administration of City matters and implementation of Council policies and directives. - City Council
Elected "at large" to represent the entire community and are empowered by state law to legislate city-wide policy. Appoints City Staff and representatives to the Planning Commission and Economic Development Authority.
Special Assessments
A special assessment is a financing tool that the city utilizes to finance certain public improvements that benefit private property. For example, in order to extend sewer and water into a neighborhood that previously did not have sewer, the City typically funds the improvement, then places a special assessment on benefiting properties.
- The assessment is like a property tax, and it is paid with your property tax bill.
- The City must meet certain legal requirements in order to assess your property, such as holding public hearings.
- The assessment cannot exceed the benefit to your property.
At the Time of Initial Assessment
- Property owners are given the opportunity to prepay the assessment without interest within 30 days from the date the City Council passes the assessment.
- After the interest free period, up to Nov. 15, property owners may pay the assessment amount plus interest back to the date the assessment was adopted.
- Any unpaid principal is certified to the Wright County Auditor-Treasurer to be placed on taxes payable for the following year.
- For the first year on the tax roll, interest is calculated from the date the assessment was adopted through December 31 of the following year.
- Each year thereafter, interest will then be from December to December based on the unpaid principal amount.
- Please realize that when you have a principal balance after the first year of certification, you may pay to the City of St. Michael the balance in full only, no later than Nov. 15 of any year with no accrued interest.
- The City, along with Wright County, maintains special assessment records for all St. Michael properties. The records include the original assessment and the total balance remaining for costs related to improvements or services.
All prepayments for special assessments are to be paid to the City of St. Michael. Before making a prepayment, or for other special assessment information, contact Sue Ferbuyt at