Garbage & Recycling

Garbage Removal 

Residents are able to choose their own garbage hauler, unless they are under an HOA which requires a certain garbage hauler.

2025 Licensed Garbage Haulers

Ace Solid Waste | 763-427-3110 |

6601 McKinley St. NW, Ramsey, MN 55303

Curbside Waste | 763-504-2872 |

PO Box 28266, Crystal MN 55428


Republic Services | 320-252-9608 |

9813 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55347


Waste Management | 320-258-3948 |

10030 Industrial Blvd, Winsted MN 55395


LRS (Commercial Only) | 320-251-8919

2355 12th Street SE, St. Cloud, MN 56304




The City of St. Michael offers recycling through Waste Management. Waste Management offers the cart options below.  


Cart Size      Cost Per Month (2025 Rates)               
38 Gallon  $5.50 (Min. Recycling Fee)
65 Gallon  $5.75
95 Gallon  $6.00


Do you need to change your cart size? 

There is a $30 exchange fee to switch cart sizes, which will be charged on your utility bill with Joint Powers. If you are a new resident, you have 90 days from moving the water bill into your name to decide if you need a different size cart with the exchange fee waived. After 90 days the exchange fee will apply.   

IMPORTANT: If you are moving, please leave your recycling cart at the residence even if you are moving within the City limits. Carts are specific to that address and removing a cart may result in a fee on your utility bill. Damaged carts will be charged a replacement fee of $75.00.

Organic Recycling 

The City of St. Michael has a joint partnership with the City of Hanover for residents to dispose of organic recycling. To participate, residents need to visit Hanover City Hall during open business hours to receive a code for access to the organics dumpster which is located behind Hanover City Hall. Be sure to only compost acceptable organic waste

Recycling Drop-off

The Wright County Compost and Recycling Facility is available for public drop-off of recycling and for approved dump materials.
For more information about the process, scheduling, and accepted materials. 


The City Compost site is located at 3150 Lander Ave NE. To request a Compost and Yard Waste access card and for more information on accepted materials, visit here

Used Oil Disposal

Next to the compost site, there is a drop for the public to dispose of used oil. No gasoline or solvents are accepted. The cost of disposal is 50 cents per filter and $1/gallon of antifreeze. 

Contact Waste Management for:

  • Cart Issues
  • Size Changes
  • Missed Recycling
  • What Can Be Recycled
  • If You Received A Warning Tag On Your Cart
  • General Service Questions or Concerns




How to Dispose of Your Fresh-cut Holiday Tree

Schedule a Pick Up with Your Garbage Hauler

Most garbage haulers licensed in the City of St. Michael will pick up holiday trees for a fee.

Ace Solid Waste | 763-427-3110

You must call and schedule a pick up. Days available for pick up in St. Michael are Monday, Jan. 6 and Monday, Jan. 13, 2025. The fee for pick up is $35.

Curbside Waste | 763-504-2872

Holiday tree pick up will be on your regular pick up day during the weeks of Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 2025.

Trees must be cut into three feet sections.

Removal is free for Yard Waste subscribers. Non-yard Waste Subscribers must call and schedule a pick up for a $20 removal fee.

Republic Services | 844-737-8254

You must call to schedule a pick up. Pick up will occur during the weeks of Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 2025. Cost for removal is $35.88 per tree and must be paid in advance. 

Waste Management
Holiday tree disposal is not provided by this hauler.


City Compost and Yard Waste Facility

The City of St. Michael Compost and Yard Waste site is available for residents to dispose of their holiday tree. It is located at 3150 Lander Ave. NE.

A key card is required for access to the site. Residents can request a key card in-person at City Hall (11800 Town Center Drive NE) during regular office hours or can fill out an online form and email it back to City Hall. The first card is free of charge, but replacement cards cost $5. You will need to have proof of residency to qualify for the card.

City Hall office hours are

  • Monday - Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday | 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Note: All decorations must be removed prior to drop off. 


Compost Site Access Card Request Form (PDF)

Information on Accepted Items at the City Compost Facility