2025 Mayor for the Day Saima Vajgrt with the City Council behind her at Council Dais

2025 Mayor for the Day | Saima Vajgrt

Each year the 4th graders at St. Michael Elementary have the opportunity to enter an essay contest in which the prize is to be Mayor for the Day. Students are asked, "If you were Mayor for a day, what would you do to make your community a better place?" This prompt encourages students to think about local issues and propose solutions that would benefit their city, from a child's perspective.

Key points about the Mayor for the Day essay contest:

  • Students should focus on local issues. What problems do they see in their community?
  • Students should propose solutions relevant to their town.
  • Creative thinking is encouraged. Practical ideas are valued, but students should also express their unique vision for their city.

Saima Vajgrt | 2025 Mayor for the Day

This year's essay contest winner was Saima Vajgrt. Saima attended the Jan. 28, 2025, City Council meeting where she officially took on her role as acting Mayor. She ran the meeting which included introducing agenda items, recognizing staff who provided background information, calling for discussion, motions, and votes. Mayor Keith Wettschreck was at her side guiding the way. 


Saima's Mayor for the Day Essay

Dear: Mr. Wettschreck

St. Michael is a great place to live in. It has a lot of great things to look forward to. We have a lot of nice restaurants such as Home Grown and neighborhoods like Royal Meadows that got a new roundabout a few years ago. But maybe you could think about adding a bit more flower space on the top of roundabouts and by the newly built walking trails. And this might sound silly but my dog was wondering if you could think about maybe adding a dog park by the lower rec center because she thinks my backyard is too small for her.

My dad thinks we should also think about adding a sheriff's office by city hall because we only have Wright County Police helping us and all the other cities have their own police department. Another idea is maybe an In and Out Burger even though we already have a lot of good restaurants. But the In and Out Burger might be my favorite. I am pleased to hear that taxes are still the lowest in the state. I think we could improve on one more thing and that would be the bathrooms at the splash pad and other parks in St. Michael that have restrooms.  

Remember you only have to add all of this stuff if you really think it's a good idea. I think you have made some great changes in St. Michael and I hope you take all these requests into account but if not no hard feelings are necessary.

Your kind citizen, Saima

Modern Graphic illustration of Christmas tree with text holiday tree disposal

Holiday Tree Disposal

Residents have two options for disposing of their fresh-cut holiday trees.


Schedule a Pick-up with your Garbage Hauler

Most garbage haulers licensed in the City of St. Michael will pick up holiday trees for a fee.

Ace Solid Waste | 763-427-3110

You must call and schedule a pick up. Days available for pick up in St. Michael are Monday, Jan. 6 and Monday, Jan. 13, 2025. The fee for pick up is $35.

Curbside Waste | 763-504-2872

Holiday tree pick up will be on your regular pick up day during the weeks of Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 2025. Trees must be cut into three feet sections. Removal is free for Yard Waste subscribers. Non-yard Waste Subscribers must call and schedule a pick up for a $20 removal fee.

Republic Services | 844-737-8254

You must call to schedule a pick up. Pick up will occur during the weeks of Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 2025. Cost for removal is $35.88 per tree and must be paid in advance. 

Waste Management
Holiday tree disposal is not provided by this hauler.


City Compost and Yard Waste Facility

The City of St. Michael Compost and Yard Waste site is available for residents to dispose of their holiday tree. It is located at 3150 Lander Ave. NE.

A key card is required for access to the site. Residents can request a key card in-person at City Hall (11800 Town Center Drive NE) during regular office hours or can fill out an online form and email it back to City Hall. The first card is free of charge, but replacement cards cost $5. You will need to have proof of residency to qualify for the card.

City Hall office hours are

  • Monday - Thursday | 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday | 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Note: All decorations must be removed prior to drop off. 


Compost Site Access Card Request Form

Information on Accepted Items at Compost Facility

Round button with "vote" on it laying on a blurred US Flag

Ninety-two percent of St. Michael registered voters cast their ballots in the 2024 General Election! | Nov. 18, 2024

Early Voting

An amazing 7,228 people voted early, including 914 on the Monday before Election Day at City Hall. Our numbers surpassed the number of people who voted at Wright County that day! That is 52% of St. Michael registered voters who cast their ballots prior to Election Day.

Early voting started on September 20 and much of the work at that time was mailing out absentee ballots to residents. However, residents could also begin voting in-person on that same day. Direct-voting (when the voter is able to physically put their own ballot into the ballot machine/counter) began October 18. More details on the 2024 General Election.

Read and white street sign with text, no parking 2 a.m.-6 a.m. or after 2 inch snowfall

Winter Parking Restrictions Start Today | Nov. 1, 2024

There is no parking on City streets between the hours of 2 a.m.-6 a.m. from November 1st through April 1st. In addition, after a two-inch snowfall or greater No Parking is automatically enforced on City streets, day or night, until snowplowing has been completed.

These parking restrictions are to allow snowplows to effectively clear snow from City streets. Cars can be ticketed for violating this rule even if there is no snow falling, or on the ground. Other snow-related reminders.