If you wish to report a condition you feel may be a violation of St. Michael's City Code, please call the City at (763) 497-2041, or send an email to cityhall@stmichaelmn.gov. You may also download a complaint form which can be mailed or faxed to City Hall. In order to help us serve you better, you must complete all *required sections of this form. State statute prevents your information from being shared with members of the public. The information you provide will be handled confidentially by City staff.

City of St. Michael
11800 Town Center Drive NE
St. Michael, MN  55376
Phone:  (763) 497-2041
Fax:  (763) 497-5306

Please be aware that obtaining compliance can take quite some time if a property owner is not cooperative. Feel free to call our office for a status update.

Inspection Process:  City staff will then inspect the property.  If a violation is present, it will be documented and a notice of violation letter will be mailed to the property owner.  If corrective action is not taken within the prescribed amount of time, an Administrative Notice will be mailed to the property owner.  If the owner still fails to correct the violation the City may issue an Administrative Citation.  If the violation still remains, the Wright County Sheriff's Department will be notified to issue a criminal citation, resulting in a court date for prosecution.