Key Project Features


Roadway Improvements

  • Reconstruction of deteriorated pavement using recycled materials to meet City standards.
  • Addition of a mini-roundabout at 17th Street NE for better traffic management, including traffic speeds along the southern portion of Lander Avenue.
  • Additional turn lane on 32nd Street at the County Highway 19 intersection.
Aerial view with markings for sidewalks along 32nd Street and Main Street

Pedestrian and Trail Enhancements

  • Construction of a new sidewalks along 32nd Street NE and the east side of Main Street S (County Highway 19), filling a gap in the city’s sidewalk and trail network.
  • Upgrades to existing trails, including ADA compliance and resurfacing.
  • Enhanced crosswalks with flashing beacons for increased pedestrian safety.


  Graphic illustration of enhanced pedestrian crossing    


Traffic Calming Enhancements

  • Wider edgelines to visually narrow roads and reduce speeds.

  •  Driver feedback signs to encourage speed limit compliance.

 yellow and black driver feedback electronic signs for speed limit


Utility Improvements

  • Minor improvements to sanitary sewer and watermain systems to preserve their functionality and extend their useful life.
  • Replacement of metal roadway culverts with reinforced concrete for long-term durability. Residential driveway culverts will be inspected and repaired or replaced if they are not functional.