Planning & Zoning

Planning for the City of St. Michael is guided by a Comprehensive Plan and implemented with zoning and subdivision ordinances. These plans and ordinances provide for orderly development and redevelopment of the City, while protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of residents and businesses.

If you have questions about planning or zoning activities, please call City Hall at 763-497-2041.

Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan serves as a vision statement for the City of St. Michael that anticipates and guides change for 10+ years. The Plan includes long-range goals, policies, and plans related to Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Infrastructure, and Parks. The Plan is continually reviewed and updated to reflect changing conditions. View the Comprehensive Plan and more information.



The Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances regulate uses and structures throughout the City and provide for general development standards. The ordinances provide answers to questions such as; How close can my shed be to the property line? How many parking stalls do I need to provide for my business? and Where can I install a fence in my yard?

The City recently updated the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances which are in the process of being uploaded to the online platform. In the interim, please use this PDF document for those chapters.

All other ordinances are up-to-date and available on American Legal.


Planning Commission

The Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on requests for subdivisions, commercial/industrial site plans, conditional use permits, rezonings, and Comprehensive Plan amendments. The Planning Commission does have authority to approve or deny variance requests without Council action. The seven-member Planning Commission consists of St. Michael residents that are appointed by the City Council.

Zoning Code Enforcement

The purpose of St. Michael’s code enforcement is to provide a clear and consistent process for the investigation, notification, and correction of code violations. The goal of code enforcement is to seek voluntary compliance with the requirements of the City’s Ordinances, which provide for the maintenance of a high quality of life in the community and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens.