Zoning Code Enforcement

The purpose of St. Michael’s code enforcement is to provide a clear and consistent process for the investigation, notification, and correction of code violations. The goal of code enforcement is to seek voluntary compliance with the requirements of the City’s Ordinances, which provide for the maintenance of a high quality of life in the community and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens.
The City encourages residents to take a moment and look at their property and address any possible issues before a neighbor contacts staff to report the violation. It is desirable for residents to work through any issues they have with one another before contacting the city. Greater communication between our neighbors will help build a stronger community and promote the kind of friendly, small-town atmosphere we value.
Please refer to the Code Enforcement Procedure section to report a complaint. All information will remain confidential per MN State Statute 13.44, which states: "The identities of individuals who register complaint with state agencies or political subdivisions concerning violations of state law or local ordinances concerning the use of real property are classified as confidential Data." (Section 13.02, Subd. 3)
Below are examples of civil issues not enforced by the St. Michael’s City Code. You may wish to contact someone who can offer you legal advice regarding these issues. 
  • Property line disputes
  • Blocking of private views
  • Tree roots and/or overhanging trees on private properties.
  • Private covenants